March 26, 2011



How To Install iRealSMS 3.0 Via Mobile Terminal

  • Download iRealSMS .deb file here
  • Copy it to var/mobile on your iphone and install using ifile   or
  • Open up mobile terminal
  • Type in su (press return)
  • Type in alpine (press return)(Change your default password due to security reason)
  • Type in dpkg -i ireal.deb (press return)
  • Open up irealsms, exit it and reboot your iphone

Smiley Conversion List Keys: Help



  • View and Reply to an SMS from any application without having to exit your current app.
  • Supports Lock Screen!
  • New Landscape Layout
  • Option to Call Contacts from QuickSend for added convenience
  • iRealNetwork QuickSwitch allows you to switch network setting directly from the QuickSend
    (long press/hold of the SEND key will initiate the QuickSwitch)
  • Send & Receive MMS(for MMS enabled iPhones)
  • Reply to incoming MMS messages via QuickReply!
  • Insert MMS content directly into QuickReply & QuickSend!
  • Added to Conversation List
  • Customizable to Send Outgoing Smileys as either:
  • iPhone Smileys: Only other iPhones can view them (network restrictions may apply as some cell networks iPhone emoji is not compatible with one another)
  • ASCII Smiley: Will Show on Recipients Phone as ASCII equivalent (for use when sending to other types of phones)
  • Create Templates & Insert them into your Conversation via the App!(QuickReply & QuickSend Support not yet available)
  • Add Password Protection to your iRealSMS 3.0 Main Application and keep your conversations from prying eyes
  • Our in-app Blacklist allows you to suppress certain numbers from producing an Alert of any kind and keeps it out of your Conversation List. Customize it to Auto-Delete the messages or to Hide them in the BlackList folder
  • Option to Slide to Keyboard back off screen so as to show a full screen view of the conversation bubbles
    (While in a Conversation simply tap on one of the text bubbles to have the keyboard slide off screen)
  • Use your app under auto-rotate as normal or lock it into portrait or landscape mode.
  • Compatible with iBlacklist
  • Compatible with WinterBoard


    * Insert Option:
    o Insert Option added to the Paste UI Callout.
    (Double Tap or Long Tap the Text Field to reveal the PASTE | INSERT options. )
    o Select Insert for 3 Options: (only available via App)
    + Insert Contact: add a contacts info from your address book
    + Insert Draft: Insert an unfinished message and complete it for sending
    + Insert Template: Easily insert your pre-defined Templates!

    * Privacy Settings:

    o Control the way your iPhone handles the Incoming SMS Alerts.
    o Add Password Protection to your iRealSMS 3.0 Main Application and keep your conversations from prying eyes

    * Blacklist:

    o Our in-app Blacklist allows you to suppress certain numbers from producing an Alert of any kind and keeps it out of your Conversation List. Customize it to Auto-Delete the messages or to Hide them in the BlackList folder

    * Folders Mode:

    o The Standard for Most Phones: View Your SMS using a Folders format: INBOX / DRAFTS / TEMPLATES / OUTBOX / SENT
    o Allows You to Control how you want to use your SMS app!
    o Easily Reply and Forward by SMS or by Mail!

    * Search Feature:

    o Easily Search Your SMS Database by NAME | TEXT | ALL
    (search function found in folders tab)

    * Character Counter:

    o Counts the amount of Characters Being used in the Text Field as well as the Total Number of SMS messages that will be Sent
    o Available in App, QuickReply, QuickSend

    * Credit Counter:

    o Displays the amount of remaining iRealNetwork SMS Credits.
    o Available in App, QuickReply, QuickSend

    irealsms, for iphone, irealsms cracked, .ipa, cydia, emoji conversionlist, smileys shortcuts, smiley keys, shortcut keys for smiles, iphone smileys, free download, patched, latest




Different Themes
Written by Adam
