April 12, 2011

Here are List of foursquare badges, badge messages, status and guide to get them.

Icon Name Badge Message Active? How to get this badge
Newbie Congrats on your first check-in! Active How to get the Newbie badge?
Adventurer You’ve checked into 10 different venues! Active How to get the Adventurer badge?
Explorer You’ve checked into 25 different venues! Active How to get the Explorer badge?
Superstar You’ve checked into 50 different venues! Active How to get the Superstar badge?
Bender That’s 4+ nights in a row for you! Active How to get the Bender badge?
Crunked That’s 4+ stops in one night for you! Active How to get the Crunked badge?
Local You’ve been at the same place 3x in one week! Active How to get the Local badge?
Super User That’s 30 checkins in a month for you! Active How to get the Super User badge?
Player Please! Look at you, checking-in with 3 members of the opposite sex! Player, please! Active How to get the Player Please! badge?
School Night Checking-in after 3am on a school night? Well done! Active How to get the School Night badge?
Far Far Away Welcome to the world above 59th Street! Active How to get the Far Far Away badge?
Brooklyn 4 Life That’s 25+ checkins in Brooklyn for you! Active How to get the Brooklyn 4 Life badge?
Photogenic You found 3 places with a photobooth! Active How to get the Photogenic badge?
Gossip Girl Spotted: A true foursquare socialite. Chuck Bass would be impressed. xoxo Active How to get the Gossip Girl badge?
Douchebag Double pop that collar, son! Active How to get the Douchebag badge?
Animal House Off the Wagon appreciates your business. COLLEGE! Active How to get the Animal House badge?
Socialite Keep this up and you’re going to end up on Valleywag with Julia Allison Active How to get the Socialite badge?
Far Far Away Well done escaping downtown Austin – though $5 bucks says you’re at Salt Lick :) Retired How to get the Far Far Away badge?
Panel Nerd Three days at the Convention Center before noon! Your boss would be so proud! Retired How to get the Panel Nerd badge?
Slut Three different hotels! You’re like the Paris Hilton / Bret Michaels of SX! Retired How to get the Slut badge?
Redford Nice job sneaking off to see some films (one of the best parts of SXSWi). Gold Badges unite! Retired How to get the Redford badge?
Porky Oink oink, you filthy little BBQ lover! Retired How to get the Porky badge?
Trifecta Name-Brand Party Trifecta! You hit 3 of the big 6: Frog / Digg / Facebook / Goog / 32-Bit / The Decider Retired How to get the Trifecta badge?
Entourage Look at you, checking-in with 10 of your friends in tow! You so popular! Retired How to get the Entourage badge?
PV Bender Three late-nights at the PV House! You working on that Slut badge? Retired How to get the PV Bender badge?
Overshare 10+ checkins in 12 hours! Next up: tweeting that you unlocked this Overshare badge? Active How to get the Overshare badge?
Survival However-many-days you were at SX, you survived. Well played and see you next year! Retired How to get the Survival badge?
Digg Shindigg Welcome to the Digg Party. I bet the… OMG!!! KEVIN ROSE JUST TOUCHED MY SHIRT!!! Retired How to get the Digg Shindigg badge?
Karaoke RV! You found the Karaoke RV! Now go queue up some GnR! “You know where you are? You’re in the jungle baby!” Retired How to get the Karaoke RV! badge?
Party Crasher What else did you expect checking-in with foursquare at the Brightkite party? Anyone down for a dance off? Retired How to get the Party Crasher badge?
Thriving Ivory You’ve checked-in at Thriving Ivory’s Fillmore show. Head to the merchandise table and show your TI badge to score some free swag! Retired How to get the Thriving Ivory badge?
Internetz Week Welcome to internet week! Five new badges for the next five days! What, wait.. no free drinks here? NEXT PARTY! Retired How to get the Internetz Week badge?
Dot Com Baller Look at you in your fancy suit up on that fancy roof! You’re the Young Jeezy of the NY Tech scene! Retired How to get the Dot Com Baller badge?
Trifecta Name-Brand Party Trifecta! You hit 3 of the big 5: Ignite / Yelp / Digg/ Thrillist / College Humor / Webutante Ball! Retired How to get the Trifecta badge?
I’m on a Boat ? I’m riding a dolphin doing flips and shit / This dolphin’s splashing, getting everybody all wet / But this ain’t Seaworld, this is as real as it gets / I’m on a boat, motherfucker, don’t you ever forget! ? Retired How to get the I'm on a Boat badge?
Webby A wise microcelebrity once said: ‘I won a Webby’ is the new ‘I have a website.’ You may not have be named King or Queen tonight, but please accept this Webby as a token of just how special we think you are. Retired How to get the Webby badge?
Ziggy’s Wagon Waffles and tacos and dumplings and BBQ and… looks like you’ve found 3 of your city’s legendary food trucks. Enjoy! Active How to get the Ziggy's Wagon badge?
Don’t Stop Believin’ ? Just a small town girl / Living in a lonely world / She took the midnight train going anywhere! ? That’s 3 karaoke field trips in a month! Treat yourself by slaying a lil’ Bon Jovi. Active How to get the Don't Stop Believin' badge?
Gym Rat 10x trips in 30 days? Go reward yourself to the nastiest double cheeseburger you can find (bonus points for cheesy fries and milkshakes). And ps: you look nice today! Active How to get the Gym Rat badge?
Mr. Bill Oh nooo! Mr. Bill! (and happy bday from Eris + team foursquare!) Retired How to get the Mr. Billbadge?
Trainspotter Driving around SF is soooo 2008, hence the special shoutout for your 10th BART checkin. Public transportation is the new Prius! Active How to get the Trainspotter badge?
Boxee Fan You took the L train to Brooklyn to attend a software party! Pretty hardcore. Retired How to get the Boxee Fan badge?
Road Warrior You’re making the world a mappier place one checkin at a time! Active How to get the Road Warrior badge?
Intel Insider Intel would like to welcome you to CES! Remember, what happens in Vegas ends up on Foursquare, Twitter and Facebook. Drinks on us! Retired How to get the Intel Insider badge?
Intel – All Ears Shhhhhhhhh! Otellini speaks! Intel + CES 2010 FTW! Retired How to get the Intel - All Ears badge?
Intel – Work It Thanks for joining Intel at CES! Exercise that Core! Retired How to get the Intel - Work It badge?
CES 2010 Congrats! Your checkin to the Las Vegas Convention Center just unlocked the CES Badge. Welcome to the world’s largest and coolest tech show! Retired How to get the CES 2010 badge?
JetSetter Hopping around the world one airport at a time… congrats on your 5th airport checkin and safe travels! Active How to get the JetSetter badge?
16 Candles Treat yourself to another cupcake – that’s 5 birthday shoutouts from you! Active How to get the 16 Candles badge?
Zoetrope That brings you to 10 movie theater checkins! Now, can you pick us up a large popcorn while you’re up? Active How to get the Zoetrope badge?
Pizzaiolo This badge is reserved only for the true pizza connoisseur: slices from 20 different pizza places. Well done! Active How to get the Pizzaiolo badge?
Jobs 3 Apple Store checkins! Show this badge to the hipster at the Genius Bar to redeem your new Apple Hoverboard! (… or not) Active How to get the Jobs badge?
Warhol That sure is a nice collection of art gallery checkins (10 different galleries!) Active How to get the Warhol badge?
Babysitter Forget those “Bender” and “Crunked” badges – you’ve conquered the playground circuit! (10 checkins!) Active How to get the Babysitter badge?
Swarm 50+ people are also checked-in here – it’s a foursquare flashmob! Active How to get the Swarm badge?
Super Mayor A special shoutout for holding down 10 mayorships at once! Active How to get the Super Mayor badge?
I’m on a boat! ? This ain’t Seaworld, this is as real as it gets / I’m on a boat, MF’er, don’t you ever forget! ? Active How to get the I'm on a boat! badge?
Yard Bird Congrats on mastering Harvard Yard on Foursquare! You’re looking (and acting) smarter all the time. Active How to get the Yard Bird badge?
Metro Thanks for Waking up with the Metro! You’ve checked in near Metro pickup locations on 3 different mornings! Active How to get the Metro badge?
Journal Métro Merci d’être matinal avec Métro! Félicitations! Vous avez déverrouillé le badge Métro. Active How to get the Journal Métro badge?
Bravo Newbie Congratulations! You’ve taken your first step into the BRAVO world. (It’s not as scary as it sounds!) Active How to get the Bravo Newbie badge?
Real Housewife Way to drink, eat, shop, and spa like a Real Housewife! Active How to get the Real Housewife badge?
Top Chef You wear the term “foodie” as a badge of honor, and now have BRAVO’s Top Chef Badge to prove it. Active How to get the Top Chef badge?
Hair Aware For trimming your tresses and loving your locks like a true follicle wiz, you’ve received BRAVO’s Shear Genius Badge. Active How to get the Hair Aware badge?
Fashionista You’ve found the key to BRAVO’s Launch My Line insignia. Now, go find us some sales! Active How to get the Fashionista badge?
Lookin’ for Love You know all the hottest singles spots and can now proudly wear BRAVO’s Millionaire Matchmaker Badge of Love. Active How to get the Lookin' for Love badge?
Foodie You eat the best from hot dogs to haute cuisine. That’s 5 checkins at Zagat Rated spots! Active How to get the Foodie badge?
Transit Champion Holy moly transit champ, You sure know how to get around Metro Vancouver! Thanks for going green and riding with TransLink! Active How to get the Transit Champion badge?
On Location Get ready for your close up! You’ve just earned the On Location badge by visiting five of Chicago’s iconic movie locations. Active How to get the On Location badge?
Celery Salt Hold the ketchup & drag it through the garden! You’ve earned the Celery Salt badge for visiting 5 places that serve Chicago-style hot dogs! Active How to get the Celery Salt badge?
Chicago Blues Sweet Home Chicago! You’ve earned a Chicago Blues badge by visiting 5 stops on the History of Chicago Blues Tour (downloadchicagotours.com) Active How to get the Chicago Blues badge?
Valentine’s Day Ooh la la! This is your 2nd checkin at a great date spot for Valentine’s Day. How romantic! Next up: bring your date to see “Valentine’s Day”, in theaters February 12th! Retired How to get the Valentine's Day badge?
NY Times Olympian You’ve just checked into a venue recommended by The New York Times during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Go for the gold! Retired How to get the NY Times Olympian badge?
Fashion Victim Wow! You crossed the line! Your passion for fashion knows no boundaries! Four of you will be given tickets to the MbMJ show in NYC on Tues Feb 16 (we’ll notify you by email!) – Love, Marc Retired How to get the Fashion Victim badge?
Show Hopper 5 checkins with Lucky and still going strong – you’re a NYFW machine! Retired How to get the Show Hopper badge?
Nightlife You stopped by 4 UrbanDaddy-approved spots, unlocked the HBO How To Make It/UD Nightlife Badge, Time to celebrate! Retired How to get the Nightlife badge?
Tastemaker You just unlocked Eater and Racked’s HBO How to Make It Tastemaker badge! That’s 3 or more check-ins from Eater or Racked approved venues. Retired How to get the Tastemaker badge?
Cityscape You’ve just unlocked the Flavorpill and HBO’s How to Make It Culture badge, after scoping out the best cultural venues in the city. Movin’ on up… Retired How to get the Cityscape badge?
Cocktails You’ve hit 3 BlackBook and HBO’s How To Make It-approved hotspots — no velvet rope can stop you. Retired How to get the Cocktails badge?
Shorty Welcome to the Shorty Awards!! Extra credit if you noticed this special edition “you unlocked a badge!” text is exactly 140 characters long. Retired
How to get the Shorty badge?
Early Adopter Happy birthday to your foursquare account! (We launched at SXSW 2009 and you were here for it!) Retired
How to get the Early Adopter badge?
Austin Explorer That’s five checkins at five places you’ve never been to! Well done, Austin Explorer! Retired How to get the Austin Explorer badge?
Panel Nerd That’s 5 Convention Center checkins for you… you’re really getting your $500 bucks worth! Retired How to get the Panel Nerd badge?
Tarantino Nice job sneaking off to see some films (the best kept secret of SXSWi!) Visit the IFC Crossroads House (7th & Brazos) for free stuff and to see the best of SXSW live in-studio. Retired How to get the Tarantino badge?
Groupie The Backstreet Boys of tech! The Menudo of the interne…. OMG! @NAVEEN JUST TOUCHED MY SHIRT!
(Hint: 73,83,76,7,9)
How to get the Groupie badge?
Super Swarm Know what you call a 50 person swarm at SXSW? The Hilton Lobby. So we upped the ante to 250 and you still nailed it. Well played! Retired
How to get the Super Swarm badge?
Swimmies You found a pool? NERD SPRING BREAK! Bonus points if you’re on a roof. Extra bonus points if you snuck in! Retired How to get the Swimmies badge?
Fixin’ Wagon Tacos, cupcakes, burgers, po-boy’s… whatever your vice, congrats on finding some of Austin’s finest meals on wheels Retired How to get the Fixin' Wagon badge?
Hangover Late to bed and early(ish) to rise. Your boss should be proud you made the early morning panels! Retired How to get the Hangover badge?
Decathlon So many parties, so little time… and you still managed to hit 10 of the brand-name events. Congrats! Retired How to get the Decathlon badge?
Karaoke RV You found the Karaoke RV! Now queue us up some GnR! “You know where you are? You’re in the jungle baby!” Retired How to get the Karaoke RV badge?
Name Dropper Look at all you, name dropping internet celebs left and right! Checkins calling out 2 different A-list’ers scored you this badge. Retired How to get the Name Dropper badge?
Hookup Two different hotels? This is Austin, not the Jersey Shore! (though you made The Situation proud) Retired How to get the Hookup badge?
Porky Oink oink, you filthy little BBQ lover! Retired How to get the Porky badge?
Far Far Away You made it 25 miles away from the convention center! Congrats on escaping downtown Austin. Retired How to get the Far Far Away badge?
Survivor However-many-days you were at SX, you survived. Well played and see you next year! Retired How to get the Survivor badge?
SPINsider You’ve just seen three bands recommended by SPIN’s editors! Retired How to get the SPINsider badge?
Bands on the Run You’ve just seen seven bands in one day! Retired How to get the Bands on the Run badge?
Animal Collector You’ve just seen the third band with an animal in its name! Retired How to get the Animal Collector badge?
Trailblazer You’ve just seen your third show outside of downtown Austin! Retired How to get the Trailblazer badge?
Diplomat Full diplomatic immunity! That’s the third day you’ve taken refuge at the SF Embassy. Retired
How to get the Diplomat badge?
Global Ignite Week 2010 Thanks for supporting Global Ignite Week! Think it was all the beer that made those five minute talks so interesting? Retired
How to get the Global Ignite Week 2010 badge?
Keep Austin GOOD Austin’s not just weird, it’s good. Congrats on navigating the SXSW ayhem and finding the GOOD spots. Your mom would be proud! Retired
How to get the Keep Austin GOOD badge?
Adobe – Hat Tip Congratulations, you just unlocked the Hat Tip badge! Our hats off to you for making the most of your time in Austin. Respect from Adobe! Retired
How to get the Adobe – Hat Tip badge?
Barista Congrats – you’ve checked in at 5 different Starbucks! Be sure to pick up a double tall latte for your friend – I’m sure they’d do the same for you. Active How to get the Barista badge?
Where 2010 Welcome to Where 2.0, a geo-nerd’s playground! Don’t forget to wish Brady Forrest (the conference organizer!) a happy birthday on Wednesday 3/31! Retired
How to get the Where 2010 badge?
Last Degree
Congrats on making it to the North Pole!  Take a deep breath, plant your flag and be sure to get home safe!
How to get the Last Degree badge?
Banksy Badge
You just unlocked the secret Banksy Fan Badge! Enjoy the film and please exit through the gift shop.
How to get the Banksy badge?
4sq Day 2010
Happy foursquare day! (four squared = 4/16, get it?) Here's a toast to all of you for making foursquare so amazing and to the 50+ 4sq Day parties going on around the world!
How to get the 4sq Day 2010 badge?
Super Swarm
50 person foursquare swarms are soooo 2009. We upped it to 250 for the Super Swarm and you still nailed it. Well played!
How to get the Super Swarm badge?
140 Conf 2010
Welcome to the #140Conf - where the Twitterati come to swarm!
Retired How to get the 140 Conf 2010 badge?
Elite Shopper
Wow! You're on a spree! You've hit 5 of our favorite boutiques and still going strong.
How to get the Elite Shopper badge?
BK Art Star
Congrats, art star! You've just discovered a world of art across the river at the Brooklyn Museum! Active
How to get the BK Art Star badge?
Time Out - Happy Hour
You rock the discount cocktails — that’s 4 check-ins at venues recommended by Time Out New York.
How to get the Time Out - Happy Hour badge?
Congrats from History Channel on unlocking America one check-in at a time. Thomas Jefferson would be proud.
How to get the Historian badge?
Bon Appetit - Navigator
You've discovered the key to Bon Appetit's Navigator Badge: Eat well. Travel often. There's something delicious just around the corner.
How to get the Bon Appetit - Navigator badge?
Time Out -Bar Hunter Whoa! You sure know Chicago bars! That's 4 check-ins at venues recommended by Time Out Chicago.
How to get the Time Out - Bar Hunter badge?
f8 Backstage Pass
You've hit 3 of the 7 big spots at Facebook's f8 conference.  Congrats on making the rounds!
Retired How to get the f8 Backstage Pass badge?
WSJ Banker
That's three check-ins in the financial district. You'd fit right in with a copy of The Wall Street Journal under your arm.
Active How to get the WSJ Banker badge?
WSJ Urban Adventurer That's three check-ins in the financial district. You'd fit right in with a copy of The Wall Street Journal under your arm.
Active How to get the WSJ Urban Adventurer badge?
WSJ Lunch Box
That's three check-ins in the financial district. You'd fit right in with a copy of The Wall Street Journal under your arm.
Active How to get the WSJ Lunch Box badge?
WordCamp SF 2010
"This one time, at WordCamp?" Welcome to WordCamp San Francisco!
Retired How to get the WordCamp SF 2010 badge?
PA Shooflyer
Nice job eating your way through PA! Yummm, keystone.
Active How to get the PA Shooflyer badge?
PA Retail Polka
Somebody likes their tax-free shopping in PA. Hey, there’s more where that came from.
Active How to get the PA Retail Polka badge?
PA 4 Score & 7
Nice job soaking up all that PA history. Look out Alex Trebek.
Active How to get the PA 4 Score & 7 badge?
Today Show Newbie
Thanks for stopping by the Plaza! Hope you can come to the next Toyota Concert Series on TODAY.
How to get the Today Show Newbie badge?
That's 3 checkins before 6 AM! Just like Al Roker - you're becoming a regular in his "neck of the woods."
How to get the Roker badge?
10 for 10

How to get the 10 for 10 badge?
Big Omaha 2010
Three checkins in the middle of Nebraska!  You are *owning* Big Omaha this year!
How to get the Big Omaha 2010 badge?
Andy Cohen Here’s What: You’re a man/woman about town, hitting up all the right places. And by “right,” we mean a healthy combo of the trendy and the timeless. “Mazel” to you.
How to get the Andy Cohen badge?
Louis Vuitton Insider Congratulations, you're on your way to become a living Louis Vuitton icon. You really deserve our upcoming surprises and another round of shopping!
How to get the Louis Vuitton Insider badge?
All Right Now Congratulations, you've discovered 5 of Stanford University's most interesting places. BEAT CAL!
How to get the All Right Now badge?
Princeton P-rade Congrats! You just unlocked the Princeton P-rade badge. If your blood isn't yet orange and black, keep drinking.
How to get the Princeton P-rade badge?
TLC Summer Your summer is officially underway now that you've found a TLC Summer hot spot. Time to soak up the season with sun, fun and your favorite shows!
How to get the TLC Summer badge?
Cupcake Connoisseur
A true cupcake connoisseur, you know the goods when you see (and taste) them! TLC's Cake Boss would be proud.
How to get the Cupcake Connoisseur badge?
BBQ Pitmaster
You know that smokin', tangy flavor can't be found just anywhere. TLC's BBQ Pitmasters commend your taste!
How to get the BBQ Pitmaster badge?
Celtics - Final 2010
Stand up! You’ve unlocked the Celtics badge for showing your Boston pride. Watch the Celtics take on the Lakers in The Finals 2010 on ABC! “Go Celtics!” Retired
How to get the Celtics - Final 2010 badge?
Lakers - Final 2010
Stand up! You’ve unlocked the Lakers badge for showing your L.A. pride. Watch the Lakers take on the Celtics in The Finals 2010 on ABC! “Go Lakers!” Retired
How to get the Lakers - Final 2010 badge?
Club L
You’re checking in all over town! Congrats on unlocking the Club L badge, the ladies would be proud. Where to next? Active
How to get the Club L badge?
Internet Week 2010
Welcome to Internet Week 2010. Show this badge & skip some lines! Monday @ Onion Party, Tues @ #140conf Party, Wed @ Pop Everything and Thr @ Obliterati & SoundCtrl. Retired
How to get the Internet Week 2010 badge?
Social Media Guru Three nights of Internet Week parties makes you an official Social Media Guru(, nerd!) The first 24 people to show this badge @ IW HQ (registration desk) on Thu June 10 win a free bottle of wine signed by @garyvee! (You must be 21+) Retired
How to get the Social Media Guru badge?
Just saying, but if @naveen doesn't win Prom King, this whole thing is bunk! Retired
How to get the Webutante badge?
Webby 2010
You may not have walked away a winner tonight, but please accept our Webby Badge as a token of just how special we think you are. Retired
How to get the Webby 2010 badge?
Bonnaro Rock Star
Congrats! That's 10 check ins at Bonnaroo this weekend. You are a Bonnaro Rock Star! Now that you're in the band be on the look out for a instant win message from us for great Bonnaroo prizes! Retired
How to get the Bonnaro Rock Star badge?
South Africa Explorer You must have World Cup fever! That's three checkins from the first World Cup ever held in Africa. Watch CNN and visit CNN.com/WorldCup for complete coverage. Retired
How to get the South Africa Explorer badge?
Super Fan
Goooooooooal! That's three checkins from World Cup viewing parties. You truly are a World Cup Super Fan! Now go cheer louder! Watch CNN and visit CNN.com/WorldCup for complete coverage. Retired
How to get the Super Fan badge?
Met Lover
Oh, I see that you’re a true art connoisseur. You have excellent taste. Active
How to get the Met Lover badge?
Six Flags Funatic
You are a true Six Flags Funatic! With this badge you have the chance to win an Unlimited Exit Pass for our 50th Anniversary in 2011! The winner will be announced at the end of the season!
How to get the Six Flags Funatic badge?
Bing Home Turf Congrats! You’ve just unlocked the Bing Home Turf badge. Stand up and support your favorite team. Game on! Retired
How to get the Bing Home Turf badge?
Team Coco Bonnaroo
Congratulations! You've unlocked The Team Coco Bonnaroo Badge! Enjoy the show, and please consider a shower in the near future. Retired
How to get the Team Coco Bonnaroo badge?
Slightly Off
IFC likes your style. 3 check-ins at our Always On, Slightly Off favorites? We think you deserve an eye patch... but a badge will have to do! Active
How to get the Slightly Off badge?
TWTRCON 2010 You Joined the Real-Time Revolution at TWTRCON NY 2010!  Be sure to check tips for TWTRCON wifi details, after-parties and lots more! Retired
How to get the TWTRCON 2010 badge?
Congratulations on covering so much ground during the Northside Festival! You can hold your head high on the L train. Retired
How to get the Northside badge?
PK / JG 2010 Special congrats to Paul & Janelle, the first “kind-of met through dodgeball, but not really” wedding! Show this badge to Teddy Salad for free drinks at Barcade FOR LIFE! Retired
How to get the PK / JG 2010 badge?
Dew Tour Super Fan
Congrats! You're 1 stop away from Dew Athlete Status. Show this badge at the Alli Shop and snag yourself a free pair of shades and make it official! Retired
How to get the Dew Tour Super Fan badge?
Alli After Dark
Looks like somebody LOVES partying with Dew Athletes. 2 Alli After Dark parties in one week - Well Done! Retired
How to get the Alli After Dark badge?
Super Duper Swarm
That "Super Swarm" badge is for babies! Welcome to the Super Duper Swarm Club - 500 people checked in at once! Active
How to get the Super Duper Swarm badge?
Epic Swarm
Wow! 1,000 foursquare users in the same location?!? According to our math, the world should implode right about now. Active
How to get the Epic Swarm badge?
Dog's Best Friend
Woof! Woof woof 10 checkins @ dog runs woof woof woof 30 days woof woof! Woof! Active
How to get the Dog's Best Friend badge?
World Cup 2010
Gooooooooooooooooaalllll! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! We hope you're enjoying World Cup 2010 as much as we are! Retired
How to get the World Cup 2010 badge?
Comic-Con 2010
Welcome to Metropolis, errr San Diego. You've just scored the Superman badge! Now show this at the WB booth to pick up some free swag, while supplies last. (Hint: stay away from the Kryptonite Cupcakes) Retired How to get the Comic-Con 2010 badge?
VH1 Fanatic
That’s three music venue check-ins for you! Your love of live music has now been confirmed. Now go get to the front of the crowd and make us proud. Active
How to get the VH1 Fanatic badge?
Mile High
Congrats, you’ve just unlocked the Mile High badge! 500 miles per hour @ 30,000 feet and you’re still connected with Gogo. Happy travels! Active
How to get the Mile High badge?
Bookworm Bender
Looks like you’re throwing a late night bender at the library. Ain’t no party like a Pythagorean Theorem party! Active
How to get the Bookworm Bender badge?
Quad Squatter
That’s your 10th check-in at the Quad. Either you’re majoring in Botany, or you just gave up on class altogether. Active
How to get the Quad Squatter badge?
Smells Like School Spirit
Woah! That’s your 5th check-in showing your school pride. You’re a super fan! Now remember to wash off that face paint before you go to bed – huge mistake! Active
How to get the Smells Like School Spirit badge?
That’s 5 check-ins at campus dining halls. You must be a Grilled Cheese connoisseur. You deserve a TV Show! Active
How to get the Munchies badge?
Campus Explorer
You’ve travelled far and wide to explore every corner of campus – all without getting scurvy. Magellan’s got nothing on you! Active
How to get the Campus Explorer badge?
Congrats! You’ve just dipped your fabulously-heeled foot into the ultra-exclusive celebrity world. What’s next – your own reality show? Active
How to get the PEOPLE Hot Spot badge?
Wait outside the velvet rope? You? No way! You know where to find the hottest parties — it’s just too bad this badge doesn’t come with bottle service. Active
How to get the PEOPLE VIP badge?
2010 VMA Moonman
We're really happy for you, and we're gonna let you finish, but be sure to watch the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on Sept. 12th! Rock Out! Retired
How to get the 2010 VMA Moonman badge?
Thanks for taking part in MTV's 'Get Yourself Tested' campaign. People who @GYTNOW are twice as sexy as those who don't. Spread the word and encourage your friends to get tested too! Retired
How to get the MTV GYT badge?
You’re in…you are a part of Redskins Nation. Hail to the Redskins! Hail Victory! Braves on the Warpath! Fight for old D.C.! Active
How to get the Redskins badge?
Hey now! That's your 5th check-in near the water. Let's hope this isn't followed-up by unlocking our "Unlucky Shark Attack" badge. Active
How to get the Swimmies badge?
Great Outdoors
Welcome to the Great Outdoors! Behold Mother Nature's true beauty. Now if only she'd throw a double rainbow up in this piece. Active
How to get the Great Outdoors badge?
Just Desserts
You're a foodie that loves savory but it's time to get your sweet on! Savor your badge BRAVO style. Active
How to get the Just Desserts badge?
You’re a real Pfundskerl! You’ve checked in at three different Oktoberfest locations. Prost to your achievement! Now, we feel you’ve earned a reward....make sure to check the badge unlock email you will receive from foursquare to learn how to redeem an awesome discount on your next Lufthansa flight! Retired
How to get the Oktoberfest badge?
Warm Up
Congratulations! That's 3 activities completed with RunKeeper. But don't stop now... You're just getting warmed up! Try tracking an upcoming race or some other activities with RunKeeper to earn more badges.
Active How to get the Warm Up badge?
Hey, remember that time you finished a 5K? Because it JUST happened. Feels good, doesn't it? Who knows... maybe some day you'll make it through a marathon! Active How to get the 5K badge?
Over Achiever
Nice! You've tracked 5 different activity types on RunKeeper. You win a free air guitar! Active How to get the Over Achiever badge?
You finished a marathon (that's twenty-six point two miles, friend), and all you got was this badge. Oh wait... and that INCREDIBLE feeling of accomplishment! Way to go! Active How to get the Marathon badge?
Don't look now, but an A-Lister just checked in... and it's YOU! Doesn't life feel more glamorous already? Active How to get the Marathon badge?
Shine Seeker
Congratulations, you've unlocked the Shine Seeker badge! See foursquare.com/queensland for info on our Shine Seeker competition... and keep on exploring Queensland, where Australia shines! Active How to get the Shine Seeker?
NASA Explorer
Check the hoses on your spacesuit and prepare for launch! You have discovered lots of NASA related locations, making you an official NASA Explorer. Keep looking up and checking in! Active How to get the NASA Explorer badge?
Conan Blimpspotter
You’ve spotted The Conan Blimp! A big orange bag of slow moving gas has never looked so pretty. Visit www.teamcoco.com for more Conan! Retired How to get the Conan Blimpspotter badge?
Rally to Restore Sanity
You've joined Jon Stewart to bring America back to reasonableness. You're probably not the badge-wearing type, but we figured this little electronic one was pretty discreet. Retired How to get the Rally to Restore Sanity badge?
March to Keep Fear Alive
You stood with Stephen Colbert to help beat back the forces of sanity! Wear this badge proudly and remember to always... shh! What's that? I think there's someone behind you. Run!!! Retired How to get the March to Keep Fear Alive badge?
Spooky Swarm
This Monster Mash is now swarming! I'd watch out if I were you... ? cause this is Thriller! Thriller Night! And no one's going to save you from the beast about to strike! ? Retired How to get the Spooky Swarm badge?
I Voted 2010
?...and the home of the brave!? Thanks for voting! Now visit elections.foursquare.com Active How to get the I Voted 2010 badge?
Halloween 2010
Happy Halloween from foursquare! Here's to hoping you came up with a better costume than The Jersey Shore. Retired How to get the Halloween 2010 badge?
PEOPLE Sexiest Man Alive Badge
Only a tall drink of water like yourself would know the sexiest hot spots. Say, is it hot in here, or is it just you? Meeeeeoooow! Active How to get the PEOPLE Sexiest Man Alive Badge?
Riff Raffner Badge
What's more exciting - unlocking this badge? Or the fact that you're about to see Ellen? Live! In Person! Hope you brought your dancing shoes! Active How to get the Riff Raffner Badge?
Sounds So Good
From the Beatles to Bieber, you love music just as much as Ellen! Now kick back and enjoy the tunes! Active How to get the Sounds So Good Badge?
excELLENt fan
?Have a little fun… today!? Look at you, bouncing around town hitting up all of Ellen’s favorite spots! You're practically BFFs! Active How to get the excELLENt fan Badge?
Toys"R"Us Black Friday 2010
Congratulations on unlocking the Toys"R"Us Black Friday Badge! First 3000 to text FOURSQBF to 30364 receive 15% Off of Purchases $150 or more on you next visit. GO! Offer valid 11/28-12/2 Retired How to get the Toys"R"Us Black Friday 2010 Badge Badge?
Macy's Parade 2010 You've checked into the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade®! Enjoy this week’s excitement featuring great bands, musical acts, mischievous clowns & awe-inspiring floats! 5-4-3-2-1…Let’s Have a Parade! Retired How to get the Macy's Parade 2010 Badge?
December 1 is World AIDS Day. We're striving for an AIDS Free Generation by 2015. Thanks for unlocking the (RED) badge and helping make this possibility a reality! Retired How to get the (RED) Badge?
RadioShack Holiday Hero
Your cape is waving in the wind like a majestic beacon of holiday hope. Congratulations, Holiday Hero, you’re entitled to 20% off qualifying in-store purchases now thru 12/31/10 at The Shack®. Nice. Active How to get the RadioShack Holiday Hero Badge?
Baggage Handler
Looks like you've had your baggage handled. Happy Holidays and have a safe flight! Active How to get the Baggage Handler Badge?
Late to bed and early to rise. Good luck making it through the day. Tip: bacon egg n' cheese and orange gatorade will be your bestest friend. Active How to get the Hangover Badge?
9 to 5
Looks like someone's filed 15 TPS reports in 30 days. Ummm... Yeeaahh... we're gonna need to go ahead and move you downstairs into Storage B. Active How to get the 9 to 5 Badge?
Happy Birthday to the guy wearing the ironic internet T-shirt and running shoes! We'll pour out a little something for your 4-0. Retired How to get the Chadge Badge?

all badges

Different Themes
Written by Adam
