Nokia's Illuvial Collection in Pink
The color pink tends to spawn special editions with greater frequency than other colors, but for pink lovers, it works out pretty nicely because you end up getting all sorts of free crap bundled with your phone simply for buying your favorite shade. Take Nokia's new Illuvial Collection, for example, which has taken the 5530, 6303, and 6700, dressed them up in a very hot shade of pink, and stuffed 'em in boxes with custom leather cases and straps. The pinkfest doesn't stop there, though: the phones also include custom themes which are dominated by -- you guessed it -- pink. It looks like all three models are already available from the UK's, and other markets throughout Europe should be getting hooked up with at least some of these in the coming weeks.
Get them here [Link][Link][Link]
Nokia's Illuvial collection, Nokia's Illuvial Collection in Pink, Nokia, 5530, 6303, 6700