January 11, 2010


Sprint has appeared on the Web, along with a few details of upcoming mobiles. This includes an HTC model with the 4G standard WiMAX, the recently-revealed BlackBerry Tour2, a mysterious smartphone running Palm's webOS.

The WiMAX carrier Clearwire said this week that it is going to offer its first smartphone near the end of this year, with Sprint providing the voice service. It refused to give any details on this model, though.

According to newly leaked information, this device will be developed by HTC, who released the world's first WiMAX-enabled smartphone over a year ago. Sprint owns a significant percentage of Clearwire.The deception of this model notes that it will have a "bar" design, but gives no additional information.

The Blackberry Tour hit the market just a few months ago, but details of its successor have already come to light. This coming model will be a moderately enhanced version of the current one. One of the most significant changes in this upcoming model, the 9650, will be an optical trackpad in place of the trackball on the current version.

It is not known when Sprint will release this new version. The original debuted in July of last year.

In addition, this carrier will supposedly be getting a second-generation version of the BlackBerry Pearl Flip, the only clamshell ever offered by RIM.

The first-generation Flip was offered by T-Mobile and Verizon, but not Sprint. 

Palm webOS
Sprint launched the very first model running webOS, the Palm Pre, early last summer. It followed this up with the Palm Pixi in the fall. This carrier reportedly has a third Palm device listed in its product database. All that's known about it is designation: C.

What makes this model slightly mysterious is this designation is so different from the ones for the Pre and Pixi: the P100 and P120, respectively. A second generation Palm Pre, which conventional wisdom says is coming this summer, would more likely have the designation P200.

Android for iDEN
When Sprint acquired Nextel, it also acquired its iDEN network. This carrier has continued to introduce new iDEN-based phones , and this supposedly includes one running Google's Android OS.

According to the leaked information, this device will be the Motorola i1, which will have a Touchscreen and a 5 MPx camera.


Sprint, Sprint upcoming models, palm new model, iden, android, blackberry tour 2, tour 2, wimax mobile, htc wimax mobile, specs, release, launch

Different Themes
Written by Adam
