January 6, 2010

google nexus one

The arrival of the Vodafone Nexus One will mean that UK buyers will be able to pick up a cheaper handset (with agreement) rather than paying the $529 SIM-free, unlocked price.  It’s unclear whether a version of that unlocked handset will be made available in UK pounds and shipped from within the country as well; Vodafone are yet to confirm any pricing.  Sales will be through Google’s webstore; the search giant confirmed Vodafone as an upcoming carrier partner at their launch event for the Nexus One yesterday; the smartphone will also arrive on Verizon’s US network in CDMA form sometime in Spring 2010.

The touch-screen device, launched on Tuesday and produced in collaboration with Taiwan electronics group HTC, poses a direct challenge to Apple's top-selling iPhone.

"I can confirm that Vodafone is the first operator to partner with Google to offer the Nexus One in Europe, starting soon in the UK, in a few short weeks," a Vodafone spokeswoman told AFP.

"No detail on pricing and precise timing has yet been made, but that will come in a few weeks."

Customers will be able to purchase a subsidised Nexus One phone with a Vodafone contract. The device will also be available directly through the Google web store.

Google said earlier it had reached "strategic partnerships" with telecom firm Verizon in the United States and Vodafone in Europe.

Vodafone added Wednesday that the group was in talks to sell the Nexus One in France, Germany and other European countries this year.

"We're in early discussions with Google to introduce the offer in France (through SFR) and in Germany and Spain, and more European countries are expected during 2010," the spokeswoman said.

"Our agreement with Google stretches beyond Europe -- all Vodafone's geographies -- and over time we will be working to provide offers in other Vodafone operating countries."

Separately, rival O2 told AFP that it was closely following developments over the Nexus One handset.

"We have been following Google's announcement with interest," said a spokeswoman for O2, which is the British division of Spanish telcoms group Telefonica.

"We welcome innovation in our industry and have already seen devices such as the Apple iPhone and Palm Pre have a huge effect on the way people use their mobile phones."

Vodafone UK, Vodafone, europe, uk, google nexus one, google nexus one release in europe, early release of nexus one, vodafone uk nexus one tariff, launch

Different Themes
Written by Adam
