October 15, 2010

  recentcalllog delte         

Recent/CallLog Delete is a mod that allows you to delete individual calls from your call history. This is a simple but handy application. Once installed, it adds a Edit button to the top left of your Recent Calls page in your stock Phone application. When you select Edit, you are able to delete individual calls. Normally, you are only able to Clear the entire list and not delete the call history one by one. This seems like such a simple feature which Apple should have included.

               recent-call-log-delete-1                        RecentCallLog-Delete3.PNG

Overall, the application is nicely implemented and does exactly what it says it is going to. Whether it is worth $1.49 to be able to delete individual calls from your history is up to you. Recent/CallLog Delete is available via the BigBoss source.

How to install recent call log delete:

  • Rename the downloaded file to calldelete.deb
  • Copy the file to var/mobile on your iphone
  • Open up mobile terminal on your iphone
  • Type in su (press return)
  • Type in alpine (press return)
  • Type in dpkg -i calldelete.deb (press return)
  • Reboot and enjoy deleting single recent calls


Ssh your iPhone. And make a folder called AutoInstall in/var/root/Media/Cydia/ so you have /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall which is case sensitive and drop this debs file in the autoinstall folder, and reboot your iPhone. its done.

you can get this cracked file via Google HERE

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Different Themes
Written by Adam


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