January 4, 2010


According to Anssi Vanjoki Nokia copies with pride and according to Jobs Apple steals shamelessly.
In the article you can read how Nokia claims that

  • The navigation wheel in iPods infringes Nokia's patent from 2001 that patents a very similar technology
  • iPhone and iPod Touch infringe Nokia's patent from 2000 where the keys of a virtual keyboard on touch screen become larger when user touches the keyboard
  • Most of Apple's products infringe Nokia's patent from 1998 related to text- and email messages where the phone numbers as well as www and email addresses are highlighted inside of the before mentioned messages. Then, for example, by clicking such highlighted phone number user can make a phone call or save the number in the address book. A click to a www address can open the web browser.
  • iPhone infringes Nokia's patent from 2003 that describes a technology to shut off the touch screen of the phone during a phone call so that user's ear or cheek would not cause false presses in the UI

The last two claims mentioned in the article are more technical and there are less details about them. Nokia claims that

  • Multiple Apple's products infringe a patent that involes "combining multiple functionality of the camera on the same chip"
  • iPhone infringes Nokia's patent (that saves space in the device) that "combines the antenna around the speaker". As a bonus a patent around power saving is mentioned.

The article also reveals that in addition to the ITC complaint, Nokia has opened, or is going to open, a new case in the Delaware court in addition to the original case from October.

Check the Video referring this

Nokia claims, Nokia claims apple, apple patents, nokia patents, lawsuit, case file, illegal copyright,

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Written by Adam
