December 17, 2009


Microsoft UK's head of mobility Phil Moore recently admitted that Microsoft is playing catch-up to Apple's dominance in the market. Mobile News reports that during the "Connect!" technology summit held in London, he said that the fruity, rival company entered the market with a fresh approach, a re-invention so to speak, that still holds consumers captive today. In fact, he said that Apple "caught us all napping."
So what's Microsoft to do? Why, come back strong with a new mobile operating system and a new online marketplace, that's how! While the latter is already up and running, where's the next full installment of Windows Mobile (aka "Photon")? It's nowhere to be seen, and it looks as if Mobile Windows 7 won't make an appearance until "late" next year. Isn't that somewhat late in the game? The playing field could be different by then.
"It has been put back until late next year but it is definitely coming," he said, referring to Windows Mobile 7. "You’re going to see a lot more on Windows Mobile 7. Giving the enterprise users and consumers what they want will be part of Windows Mobile 7. You’ll get flexibility on a much easier touch UI."
Windows Mobile 6.5 is the latest version of Microsoft's OS, with v6.5.1 and v6.5.3 slated to launch soon. The latter OS revision is slated to have an improved address book, support for hand gestures, and a more "finger-friendly" user interface. Sounds like the new mobile OS will be a great pick. If somehow Microsoft manages to pull the same stunt on the Mobile market like they did with Windows 7 then the competition will heat up to new levels.

Windows Mobile 7, winmob7, Windows Mobile 7 release date, Windows Mobile 7 images, Windows Mobile 7 ui,

Different Themes
Written by Adam
