November 24, 2009


The Sony Ericsson Satio has been recalled by both Carphone Warehouse and Phones4U after high levels of returns. Punters are said to have reported software faults with the top end Sony Ericsson cell, which has only been on the shelves for a couple of months.

This picture below shows the Sony Ericsson Satio point of sale at a Phones4U store, with a sign simply stating, “Withdrawn due to software faults.”


At the moment, those “software faults” have not been specified, but we’re onto Sony Ericsson and the mobile shops too to find out just what it means if you’ve got a Sony Ericsson Satio in your pocket.

In a statement issued to us, Sony Ericsson said, “Sony Ericsson confirms that it has been made aware that a small number of consumers have experienced software issues with its Satio handset when using certain applications. Carphone Warehouse and Phones 4u have temporarily removed the handset from sale to ensure that future customers do not have an adverse experience. Sony Ericsson is giving this matter its utmost priority and is working toward solving it as soon as possible. ” It did not issue any details on what’s actually wrong with the cell.

Carphone Warehouse told us that, “We want customers to have complete confidence and satisfaction in the handsets they buy from us, which is why we have temporarily withdrawn the Sony Ericsson Satio from sale.” Similarly, Phones4U said, “We’re working very closely with Sony Ericsson to resolve these issues as soon as possible. In the meantime, customers who report a fault with their Satio handset will be offered a non like-for-like exchange.”

“We’re monitoring the situation closely, but the device is still available to buy for Vodafone customers. If we identify that there is a clear issue with the software, one that’s happening again and again, we would take necessary steps. But we’ve no reason to recall the Sony Ericsson Satio.”

Likewise, Orange says it’s continuing to sell the Satio. A spokesman from Orange told us it had, “Its own unique software build on the Orange branded variant, which is optimised for our network and which went through a significant period of testing prior to launch.” However, Orange also says it’s keeping a close eye on the situation.

3 and T-Mobile are yet to respond to this issue.

Sony Ericsson Satio, Sony Ericsson Satio software faults, Sony Ericsson Satio software problems, Sony Ericsson Satio replacement, Sony Ericsson Satio problems, Sony Ericsson Satio faults, Sony Ericsson Satio returns, Sony Ericsson Satio disaster, Sony Ericsson Satio returned, Sony Ericsson Satio specs, Sony Ericsson Satio review, Sony Ericsson Satio withdrawn

Different Themes
Written by Adam
