November 20, 2009


After Sidekick data loss incident? it seems as if T-Mobile is looking forward to putting it behind them as we’ve just received a statement saying:

“T-Mobile is pleased to announce that Sidekick sales have resumed. New pricing for the Sidekick LX 2009 will be $149.99 with a two-year contract and the Sidekick 2008 will be $49.99 with a two-year contract.”

Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer says that the company will have to win back the trust of consumers after personal data stored for Sidekick owners was thought to be lost and was later recovered by the company, Network World reports. Balmer says that customers will look for extra assurance that a similar situation won't happen to Microsoft's other online services.

T-Mobile is currently offering detailed instructions on how to recover contact information that survived a widespread Microsoft/Danger server outage last week.

The companies involved first said that it was likely that all contacts, calendar entries, and photos would be forever lost in the data interruption, as we reported, but it was announced Sunday that most data would be recovered.

Sidekick data loss,t mobile Sidekick data loss, t-mobile sidekick sales, Sidekick sales, t-mobile sidekick lx, recover sidekick data,

Different Themes
Written by Adam
