January 11, 2010



The Verizon Wireless powered Palm pre plus no longer has the trackball looking home button, replaced with a larger gesture area. This makes the device look cleaner, since it’s virtually flat across the entire front surface. We tested a few of the sliders and they felt improved. The keyboard is the most improved part of the Palm Pre Plus. It’s hard to put into words, but it’s a cross between the existing Palm Pre keyboard and the super-tactile Palm Pixi keyboard. The Palm Pre Plus has the same processor, memory and internals as the existing Palm Pre. The Palm Pre Plus offers 16GB of storage compared to the 8GB Palm Pre.

The Palm Pre Plus (and Palm Pre) support all the new 3D games. All webOS devices will support Flash and offer video recording, editing and sharing with webOS 1.4. Even more impressive is the Verizon-only Hotspot app. While we wait for pricing, it’s great value add to turn your Palm webOS device into a personal MiFi that allows connectivity for up to 5 devices. Our live blog was made possible with the MiFi - an overall great product. New webOS device owners will have the ability to turn their phone into their personal MiFi.

Overall,  the Palm Pre Plus offers some subtle, but nice improvements combined with the added storage. The Palm Pixi Plus adds the much needed WiFi component. A nice package when you consider it will be available on Verizon’s network Saturday.




email, MMS, Palm Pre Plus, share, video camera, video editing, palm pre, pixi, palm pre plus hands-on, verizon wireless, verizon palm, webos

Different Themes
Written by Adam
