January 11, 2010



Nexusoneforum has kindly shared one way to forced your Nexus One onto 3G data speeds. Some users have reported that their phone won’t lock onto 3G and instead switches back to EDGE. Seems there’s a programming menu that will allow you to specify 3G speeds only. Now, I have no idea if this means you’re phone gets no data connection if you live in an EDGE only area so experiment with this at your own risk — and let us know how it turns out.

It appears the programming mode for Nexus One is entered via the phone

1- From dialer type in:  *#*#4636#*#*  this will take you to a phone info screen you will see a tab down the page that say's set preferred network type: go in and select GSM/CDMA Auto (PRL). this will get you so your phone goes between 3G & 2G much better automatically.

2-  from the dialer type in: *#*4636#*# this will lock your phone to the 3G network problem with this is your phone will not drop to 2G Automatically you will have to go to network settings and select 2G only. I did both and for me doing 1 Helped allot and is going between 3G & 2G automatically.

T-Mobile has come out and stated through their own forums, that they are “investigating” the issue and will “report back soon”. T-Mobile customers who are voicing their complaints loudly and frequently are quick to say that any issue seems to be handset related as those individuals coming from other T-Mobile 3G handsets had none of the same issues previously.

As the complaints mount, Google too needs to come right out and acknowledge the issue through their various methods of communication

3G, connectivity, EDGE, google, issues, Nexus One, T-Mobile, problems,  report, solutions, google nexus one 3g issues, nexus one connectivity issues,

Different Themes
Written by Adam
