January 4, 2010

pal pre The European e-commerce program is planned to go live in March 2010. The e-commerce program has been tremendously successful in the U.S., with about 600 new paid apps available in just 2 months, and the extension to Europe gives developers a compelling new opportunity to distribute and monetize their apps. In Europe, Palm Pre is currently available in the UK, Ireland, Spain and Germany, providing excellent opportunities for developers to do business in multiple large markets.

The general app catalog model is not new, but what we’re doing with it is. The Palm developer program extends the unique web orientation of the Palm webOS platform, providing developers innovative opportunities to leverage the web as a promotional channel for applications. We offer greater freedom and choice of how to get your applications to market and unparalleled control to promote and grow your business. For developers looking to make money, it’s all about speed, promotion, and reacting to customer feedback. Our platform gives you greater access to customers and faster cycle times to make higher-quality, compelling applications.

If you have an app you’d like to submit for consideration for the European e-commerce program, please send an email to appcatalog.ecommerce.europe@palm.com stating your interest and giving details about your company and your application using the following format:
In the subject of your email put your company followed by the name of your application. For example:

  • Subject: My Company – My Application
  • In the body of your email, include the following:
    • Your Palm webOSdev user name
    • Details of person to contact
      • Name
      • Direct telephone
      • Mobile telephone
      • Email
    • Company Details:
      • Address
      • Company telephone
      • Web page
    • A description of your application
    • What price (in Euros) you intend to charge for your application when we start the e-commerce program

web page at http://developer.palm.com/ covers all the aspects required to make a compelling and successful application.

palm pre, palm pix, palm apps, webos apps, developer apps for pre

Different Themes
Written by Adam
