March 14, 2010


Today morning i wake up to see a very funny hilarious mail in my inbox. Its about the recent gadget that attracted the whole attention of the crowd  none other than Apple iPad. yes it was very funnily compared to rock. Yes you read it perfectly look at the above image. Any how i don’t take sides its my friend who's the main creator. But, Still i don’t really understand the requirement for a gadget like iPad. I would rather pick up a Macbook, or a Tablet PC or Laptop or even a Ebook Reader but what should i do with a gadget that's nothing better. Any how feel free to express you feeling below.. :-)

apple iPad, iPad satires, iPad compared, iPad compared to rock, iPad compared to stone, iPad funny, iPad comedy, image, pic, iPad features compared, iPad humor, iPad jokes

Different Themes
Written by Adam
