March 7, 2010


TopTongueBarry a self-professed AT&T IT employee who posted saying that not only has testing finished for the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus, but that testing will soon begin for a mystery device codenamed Elan. AT&T testing for the Elan should begin within about two weeks, scuttlebut within AT&T says that the device should have a soft keyboard be released in Europe initially, but may be made available unlocked in the US. All that points to a iPhone / Nexus One format, as does the fact that some of the accessories Shadow-360 tracked down were also compatible with the iPhone. Elan is simply another code name for the O8F-CASC / US GSM Palm Pre Plus or it's what Shadow-360 and TopTongueBarry suspect something all-new and the most exciting thing going for webOS rumors given that Sprint's mysterious C40 still hasn't shown up.

                    According to TopTongueBarry who claims to work for AT&T, his company has just finished certification tests with GSM flavors of the Pre Plus and Pixi Plus ahead of a possible April 26th launch. However, the bigger news from Barry is that the big A will soon be testing a third mysterious webOS device by the name of Palm Elan, which may greet us mere mortals on May 10th (but possibly in Europe first).

webos at&t, palm elan, elan, C40, shadow360, att webos, palm pre at&t, palm elan, palm next mobile, palm new device, palm rumours, palm leaks, palm to at&t release

Different Themes
Written by Adam
