March 12, 2010











Nexus One is currently the hottest device you can by at the moment. HTC is the hardware manufacturer, and surely the internals of the Nexus One were up to par with Google’s standards. The N1 is available in select countries at the moment, but rumor has it that the device will be coming to India soon, only slightly lite version hardware wise.

This is in no way confirmed, but the N1 is a premium device, and to make it cheaper means lowering some specifications. The core features of the device will stay the same; screen size, Snapdragon, software, etc. What is more probable to be shaved down is internal memory, camera megapixel count, and so on. It’s also rumored that the Indian version will be slightly slimmer.

Where some people may think it bad of Google to shave off some specifications of their device down, but that's a good idea, to offer both the Nexus One and the Nexus One (.5) in their online store, available to anyone, U.S. included, and not just India. Not everyone wants to drop $530 dollars on a phone, and not everyone wants to switch to America’s 4th largest carrier. What we are unsure of as of now is whether this Nexus One would be a completely new phone or just  a stripped down barebones version of the original with a few chips missing. We believe even the cheaper Nexus One will boast of the main features of the phone namely, the 3.7-inch screen and the uber fast Snapdragon processor. The things that might see a compromise would be the camera and other features like Internal memory. These are just speculations and we'd soon be informed how different this poor man's Nexus One turns out to be.

NSDQ: GOOG, Nexus One in india, google phone, nexus one coming to india, nexus one liter version, Nexus One stripped down version, india, google in india

Different Themes
Written by Adam
