March 1, 2010



BIS 3.0 is set to released on March 21st. While some will be happy and some will walk away unimpressed BIS 3.0 is coming at some point followed up by BIS 3.1 as well. Details about the two new BIS offerings have been anything less then short. As expected, the BIS 3.0 rollout was to come in early 2010 and March seems to fit that bill just right provided RIM keeps target.

RIM plans on keeping their rumored internal release date. There are great additions but OpenOffice support alongside WMA support coupled with Gmail 2 way synch for read/unread status isn't exactly on par with the likes of say the new webkit browser by any means.


BlackBerry Email Administration Tool

BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0 includes the upgrade of the BlackBerry Email Administration Tool. New features include:

• Enhanced user interface providing clearer, easier access to information and functions within the tool

• The introduction of ‘Groups' for managing support staff who utilize the system

• Enhanced permissions capabilities for administrators to more easily define which features should be available to their support staff users

• Link to BlackBerry Technical Solutions Centre

• Expanded browser support

• Additional subscriber search options


• Updates to the Enhanced Google MailTM plug-in for BlackBerry smartphones

• Increased attachment compatibility

⋅ OpenDocument presentations (.odp)

⋅ OpenDocument spreadsheets (.ods)

⋅ OpenDocument text (.odt)

⋅ OpenDocument text templates (.ott)

⋅ Windows Media® Audio (.wma)

• Improved email setup flow for HTML access

· xHTML Support for non-Thick Clients

• Device switch revalidation

• Carrier Friendly Names

• Hosted email address passwords

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Different Themes
Written by Adam
